Junior Citizenship Training
This week Year 6 visited Holly Lodge Centre in Richmond Park to take part in the Junior Citizenship programme.
The citizen days are an opportunity for pupils to learn how to deal with different types of dangers, as well as get to know their local police officers and firefighters. They learn top safety tips first hand from emergency service workers, including council officers and electricity company representatives.
The programme involves 10 interactive sessions with the different organisations, which let the children ask questions and play out scenarios they could realistically come into contact with.
The children were given the opportunity to telephone emergency services to report a fire. They discussed safe routes in the event of a fire and the importance of fire alarms.
They carried out basic first aid using DRABC and called an ambulance. The RNLI talked to the classes about river safety.
Other scenarios included road safety, rail safety and travel awareness.
It was such a valuable experience and lots of fun too.