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Year 5 News

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  • The journey continues...

    Published 16/07/24

    We have been busy writers this week, finishing short stories linked to our work on Journey to Jo'burg by Beverley Naidoo. This creativity has extended to designing book covers using vector graphics in computing, which will adorn their completed stories in booklet format. We can't wait to see the final results!

    In maths, we are completing short units of work on converting units of measure and also volume and capacity before the end of term, whilst in History we have considered disruptions to schooling due to events such as WWII and the COVID-19 pandemic. 

    As the academic year draws to a close, we have enjoyed welcoming Y4 into our classes to share and celebrate this year's learning and to give them a taste of what is to come. We have also all enjoyed watching Y6 perform the dress rehearsal of their fabulous end-of-year production. Y5 made sure to take notes for next year's performance - when it will be their turn!

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  • On the up!

    Published 03/07/24

    The recent warm weather and sunshine have been a welcome addition to our weekly orienteering sessions, with the children focussing on successfully navigating the course, taking bearings and supporting each other as a team - as well as staying cool! Indoors, we have been preparing for the Y5 assembly later this week as well as continuing to explore human development in science and negative numbers in maths. 

    Monday saw pupils meet their new Y6 teachers and experience their classrooms for next year. It's fair to say there is a great deal of excitement and perhaps a little trepidation about moving up to the top of the school! 

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  • What a week on the IoW!

    Published 19/06/24

    Sun, sea and sand were the perfect backdrop for our visit to the Isle of Wight. Active learning opportunities were abundant - from fossil hunting at Compton beach to coastal features and erosion in action at the Needles and Alum Bay. The many months spent in captivity by Charles I were evident at Carisbrooke Castle and everyone was fascinated by the history of the HMS Victory and Mary Rose.  Perhaps most of all, it was wonderful to see the children develop their independence and resilience: organising and preparing themselves for each day's activities, braving themselves to take on new challenges, supporting their peers, and celebrating mutual successes. Whether it was riding on a chairlift for the first time, conquering the 4m jump at Tapnell water-park, travelling upside down on the terrifying/exhilarating Extinction ride at Blackgang Chine or enduring being away from home, every child embraced something new and achieved something to be proud of.

    Now that we've returned to school, the learning hasn't stopped! We've started a new topic in History - a post 1066 thematic study about schools and school life. In DT we've been investigating pulleys and mechanical systems. Decimals continue to be our focus in maths, and we are writing letters in English as part of our unit of work relating to the book Journey to Jo'burg. Careers week activities have also kept us engaged and very busy this week. A huge thank you to all of our parents who have supported this.

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  • Preparing for the Isle of Wight

    Published 04/06/24

    It has been lovely to see the children return to school after the half-term break, full of excitement about our imminent residential trip. There has been a decidedly Isle of Wight flavour to lessons this week! In maths, we have continued our work on decimals, which will prove very handy when considering how best to spend pocket money on the trip. We've also been busy orienteering, which will be useful in making sure that we get to all the right places at all the right times. In art, we've been finishing our landscape watercolours and finding out about the work of Turner, Cezanne and O'Keefe - which will help us to better appreciate the scenery from an artist's perspective, and finally, we've been making sure that everyone is up to speed with what to bring. Fingers crossed for some sunshine!

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  • Making the most of the sunshine

    Published 15/05/24

    We've welcomed back the sunshine by spending some time alfresco - making the most of our brilliant surroundings. In art, the children have been thinking about perspective and sketching views of Christ Church from the Orchard, in preparation for producing watercolours next week. This has been accompanied by outdoor exertion in PE, where “indoor” PE has become outdoor PE as pupils engage in orienteering activities around the school. 

    In English, we continue to develop our non-chronological report writing skills using the text Journey to Jo’burg, by Beverley Naidoo, to understand what life under apartheid was like.  We have also investigated metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis, using secondary sources, in insects and reptiles ranging from salamanders to dung beetles!

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  • Poetry in motion

    Published 01/05/24

    In gymnastics, we have been building routines in groups, combing and performing the different movements learnt and practised throughout the unit. Each performance demonstrated great creativity and panache - well done Y5!

    Trees have been the order of the day in art, with children experimenting with different brush-strokes to create everything from statuesque pines to weeping willows. The outdoors theme has extended to our work in English, where we continue to enjoy poems within The Lost Words. Children have explored figurative language, in particular using metaphors within kennings and both metaphors and personification within etherees.

    Following on from our work on shape in maths, we are now focussing on position and direction. This complements our work in geography where we have been busy looking at maps and grid references, as well as finding out more about the fascinating processes that govern the formation of different coastal features.

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  • Performing with puppets and finding lost words

    Published 17/04/24

    The spring term culminated with pupils producing fantastic puppets based on characters from Macbeth. There were disquieting witches, ill-fated Banquos, deranged Lady Macbeths and some magnificent - if malevolent - Macbeths. This week the children have enjoyed the fruits-of-their-labours and performed scenes from the play with their puppets, concluding this unit of work. We now move onto poetry and are looking at the fabulous book Lost Words, by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris.

    We've been cartwheeling in PE and identifying different types of angles in maths - as well as learning how to measure, estimate and calculate them.   Grid references have been the order of the day in geography and in science, we have dissected flowers in order to better understand their different parts and functions. A cracking start to the summer term!

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  • Making a mess in Y5

    Published 20/03/24

    Over the last couple of weeks, we have been busy getting messy in Y5 in different and exciting ways. In science, as part of our unit of work on properties and changes of materials, we learnt about non-Newtonian fluids and investigated Oobleck, a mixture of corn flour and water that has some very interesting properties. Our classrooms have also been full of old socks, wool and scraps of material as we have started to create our puppets in DT. We're looking forward to seeing the finished articles!

    We've been journalists in English - covering the brutal murder of Banquo in Macbeth, statisticians in maths - interpreting line graphs, and have learnt to safely perform forward and backward rolls in PE. To top it all off, the children's Djembe drumming sounds superb!

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  • All you need is love!

    Published 05/03/24

    Year 5 celebrated Sheen Mount's platinum anniversary day in true sixties style. We went retro - finding out all about the space race, the world's first electronic mouse, what school children in the sixties thought their futures would hold and whether they were right or not; all washed down with lashings of Pop Art and accompanied by the Beatles. What a fabulous and 'far-out' day!

    Back in the 2020s, we have been busy compiling soliloquies fashioned on Macbeth's ruinous ruminations as well as designing puppets based on characters from the very same play. Watch out for some spine-chillingly sinister witches and menacing Macbeths.  

    Global trade has been on the agenda in geography. We've been impressed by pupils' insights into where the food they eat is produced and how it reaches us, alongside their developing understanding of the implications of this at a local, national and international level. 

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  • That's the way to do it!

    Published 20/02/24

    The end of last half term was marked by two special whole school events: Sir Mo Farah opening the new astro-turf and the school talent show. We were proud of all of our Y5 representatives and performers, whether they showcased their talents to the class or to the school, or helped put Sir Mo through his paces on the astro.

    It's been lovely welcoming children back into Y5 after the half term break and we're excited about the action packed half term ahead of us. This week we've begun a unit of work in DT with children investigating existing puppet designs and looking at a timeline of the history of puppet-making. Later this term they will design, make and evaluate puppets linked to our core text: Macbeth. Speaking of which, we're moving on from concocting potions inspired by the Three Witches, to writing soliloquys. The only question is - will they have the same dire consequences as in Macbeth…?

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  • Engineering gliders

    Published 31/01/24

    Tuesday 30th January saw Y5 pupils participating in an exciting STEM challenge - a fantastic, full-day, online workshop that brought the excitement of aerospace engineering right into our classrooms. The day began with a design activity, supported by virtual top-tips and guidance that also linked to our previous learning about forces. Pupils then teamed up to build three of their designs before testing them on the astro-turf. Finally, they evaluated how the different combinations of tail configuration (empennage) and wing shape had performed.  An action-packed and inspiring day.

    In English, we have continued our work on Macbeth, bringing to life the three witches and their ominous prophecies, whilst in maths we have finished our topic on multiplication and division and moved on to working with fractions. Alfred the Great has been the focus of discussions in history and in art, children have been assembling photo collages inspired by the work of David Hockney.

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  • Raising the roof with Young Voices at the O2

    Published 18/01/24

    Monday saw the culmination of many hours of practice and preparation as Y5 travelled to the O2 Arena to rehearse and perform to a packed audience as part of an 8500+ Young Voices choir (one of the largest choirs in the world). They were accompanied by a fabulous array of professional musicians, dancers and even pyrotechnics! Friends and family joined in the evening to share in the occasion. Here are some examples of the children's thoughts in response to the event:

              "A magical night with my friends."

              "Absolutely phenomenal!"

              "Too good to put into words."

             "A sky-full-of-stars experience."

    A huge thank you to all of the staff, parents and of course, children, who contributed to this very special event.

    And - not to diminish the rest of the week - Y5 have also been busy creating wonderful land art based on the work of Andy Goldsworthy, exploring the battlefield with Macbeth and extending their understanding and skills of both multiplication and division.

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