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Our Tudor Portrait Gallery

Year 4 have been using a range of artistic skills this week to create these wonderful Tudor portraits. 

Taking inspiration from real Tudor portraits, we regally posed while our friend took our photo.  Using the photo images, we used collage and over-lay techniques to create Tudor clothes.  The final stage was to make beautiful golden frames; can you guess what we used?  We think even King Henry VIII would be impressed with our portraits! 

In English, we planned and wrote stories all about a character helping an animal (which happens to be a King or Queen) and receiving wishes in return.  The children had so many wonderful ideas and used great descriptive vocabulary.  There is an example of a story below.  

In Science, we researched and wrote a fact-file about the incredible scientist: Jane Goodall.  When she was young, Jane Goodall lived for six years in Tanzania so she could study a troop of chimpanzees.  Despite parts of the science world not taking her research seriously, she carried on her work and made ground-breaking discoveries about chimpanzees.  As well as finding out a range of facts about her, we also thought about how she inspires us.  Beatrice wrote, "She inspires me because she doesn't give up even when people didn't believe her'.  Max wrote, "She discovers new things and protects the wildlife".