Don't throw marshmallows at your shoe! WE KNOW!

Thank you to all the Year 4 children for putting on such an excellent assembly last week. They all learnt their lines, lyrics and dance moves so well, delivering them confidently to a big crowd of parents, siblings, teachers and all of Year 3! You may have heard a rendition of a 'Don't' poem during the assembly. We have been looking at a wide variety of poetry in English at the moment, including those by popular children's author, Michael Rosen. Every child in Year 4 had the opportunity to write and perform their own version of the poem based on activities at Juniper Hall. It has been very entertaining to read and hear some of the imaginative lines. Some examples below:
Don't flush a shrew down the loo,
Don't take a roach on the coach,
Don't give a pheasant a Christmas present,
Don't throw computers at the tutors
Don't lose an earring whilst orienteering!
In addition to the assembly, Year 4 have been progressing their sketching and shading skills in art, have created wonderful branching databases in science, learnt about the story of Abraham in RE, progressed to playing the clarinet in music and everyone has been trying really hard in their reading, putting into practise their inference, prediction and retrieval skills. In maths, we finished our topic on decimals and have just started looking at position and direction.
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