A fortnight in Year 4

Over the past two weeks we have learnt so much in Year 4.
In science, we have been learning about which materials are good conductors and which are good insulators in order to make our own circuits with switches.
In maths, we have learnt all about facts families and introduced some new maths vocabulary; factors, product and sum. If you know one multiplication fact, then you also know its family facts.
In writing we have written a wonderful piece of direct speech and started to learn all about prepositions.
In D&T we have painted our wardrobes in interesting and different shades of brown to represent different grains of wood.
In computing we have been coding (AT SPEED) and debugging code to make sure we can complete multistep coding problems.
In geography, we have been learning all about mountains and mountain ranges and what a Nepalese child's journey to school might look like compared to ours in Sheen.
In addition to all of this we have been learning our Chritsmas concert songs, remembering all the different seasons in French, playing lacrosse matches and discussing how best to tackle problems in PSHE.
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