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Year 4 News

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  • Goodbye and hello!

    Published 16/07/24

    A message from the teachers:

    "We have had the most amazing year with you all. We will miss you all so much as you head off on your next adventure. Thank you for always trying your best and for being kind, helpful and polite. Wherever you are off to next, please know that we have enjoyed teaching you so much. Thank you Year 4, you're the best!"

    On Tuesday afternoon, Year 4 shared some of their wisdom with the Year 3's. They all said how lovely it was to know more about the amazing year they have ahead of them. 

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  • Abdul Kazam!

    Published 03/07/24

    Abdul Kazam!

    We have been so lucky to go on two school trips over the past fortnight. These included our wonderful visit to Hampton Court Palace, where the children visited grand rooms, kitchens, great halls and the maze. The grounds were stunning and our tour guides were so insightful, telling us gripping stories of King Henry VIII's past.

    Our second trip was to Putney Arts Theatre where the children put on their own show! (4BZ on Tuesday, 4S Thursday and 4H are visiting on Monday 8th July). The performance was based on a book called: Leon and the Place Between. We don't want to give too much away, but the performances were truly.... magical! 

    We will also be using the book to base our final D&T project on, so expect some wonderful moving pictures coming your way soon!

    Lastly, everyone in Year 4 is writing their own book! They are all entitled "Through the Doorway", the rest has been completely up to them and WOW! WHAT AN AWESOME start they've made. This is a chance for Year 4 to showcase all the writing techniques they've learnt about this year, and we can not wait to read them all. 


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  • King Henry VIII, hero or villain?

    Published 19/06/24

    The last two weeks in Year 4 have been as jam-packed as always. 

    We have thoroughly enjoyed learning about King Henry VIII. We have had excellent discussions about whether he is a hero or a villain and some very interesting facts and opinions have been shared. 

    In art, we have been learning how to paint 3D objects by mixing pallets to reflect lighter and darker shadows. 

    In maths, we have been interpreting statistics from charts and graphs. We have been carrying out investigations in science to support this learning and looking for patterns in data. 

    We can not put There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom DOWN! We just want to read and read and read. It is absolutely captivating and hilarious. Every Year 4 is gripped and we can not wait to find out what happens next! Bradley Chalkers is such a complex  main character, and it has been brilliant putting our inference and retrieval skills to great use by unpicking why he might act the way he does. 

    We are also so pleased the sun has made an appearance. As you can see from the photo, the children are really enjoying being outside as much as possible. 

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  • Newts!

    Published 04/06/24

    To support our science lessons all about categorising living things, Year 4 have been pond dipping. They have been able to identify many different species and categorise them into different groups, such as invertebrates and vertebrates. It has been brilliant watching this science unit come to life. 

    In English, we have started our new core text: There's a boy in the girls' bathroom. Everyone is hooked, and we await to find out what will happen to Bradley Chalkers. 

    In maths, we started our new unit on time. The children have already shown a good level of understanding from Year 3, therefore we look forward to building on this and challenging them further. 

    In history, we have started our King Henry the 8th topic, looking to answer the ultimate question, "Was King Henry the 8th a HERO or a VILLAIN?" Some, but certainly not all children have already made up their minds, but we still have lots to discover.  We are really looking forward to our trip to Hampton Court Palace on June 20th. 

    We are ready for our last action-packed half-term in Year 4!

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  • Don't throw marshmallows at your shoe! WE KNOW!

    Published 16/05/24

    Thank you to all the Year 4 children for putting on such an excellent assembly last week. They all learnt their lines, lyrics and dance moves so well, delivering them confidently to a big crowd of parents, siblings, teachers and all of Year 3! You may have heard a rendition of a 'Don't' poem during the assembly. We have been looking at a wide variety of poetry in English at the moment, including those by popular children's author, Michael Rosen. Every child in Year 4 had the opportunity to write and perform their own version of the poem based on activities at Juniper Hall. It has been very entertaining to read and hear some of the imaginative lines. Some examples below: 

    Don't flush a shrew down the loo,

    Don't take a roach on the coach, 

    Don't give a pheasant a Christmas present,

    Don't throw computers at the tutors

    Don't lose an earring whilst orienteering!

    In addition to the assembly, Year 4 have been progressing their sketching and shading skills in art, have created wonderful branching databases in science, learnt about the story of Abraham in RE, progressed to playing the clarinet in music and everyone has been trying really hard in their reading, putting into practise their inference, prediction and retrieval skills. In maths, we finished our topic on decimals and have just started looking at position and direction. 

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  • Juniper Hall

    Published 02/05/24

    What a brilliant group of children to take away!

    A massive well done to every single Year 4 for coming on the trip. You were polite, well-mannered, friendly and kind. 

    We all had a great time, building dens, starting fires, climbing up very big hills, catching mammals and eating marshmallows. 

    The trip is an excellent opportunity to bring the Year 4 science and geography curriculum to life, but more than anything, it is a wonderful excuse to have some fun! A little known fact about Year 4... they seem to love TINNED PEACHES. 


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  • Trying not to make a splash!

    Published 17/04/24

    Year 4 have come back to school raring to go and ready for any challenge, which was particularly helpful when faced with a dilemma on only their second day back. 

    The children had to work in teams to transport a jug of water from one side of the playground to the other as quickly as possible. 

    Sounds simple enough, however, there were just a few catches! They weren't allowed to touch the jug at all with any part of their body, and they needed to keep as much water as possible in the jug. 

    It was brilliant to see how well everyone worked in their teams to move the water steadily, but speedily across the playground, completing the challenge in a variety of different ways. 

    Well done Year 4, we will be using even more of these problem-solving skills next week during our trip to Juniper Hall!

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  • Spring!

    Published 21/03/24

    Spring has arrived! 

    A quick overview of another jam-packed fortnight in Year 4. 

    In Science, we have started our experiment into tooth decay and are currently submerging raw eggs in vinegar, coke cola, water and orange juice to assess the effect sugar has on enamel. 

    In art, we have finished our Hokusai Kimono designs which feature very timely blossom elements. 

    In maths, we have been learning about decimals and how to divide and multiply them by 10 and 100. 

    We have also been thespians this week and thoroughly enjoyed bringing Kensuke's Kingdom to life. The children acted out a very famous scene from the book where Michael gets stung by a jelly-fish! The performances were excellent. Well done Year 4. 


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  • Write for survival.

    Published 06/03/24
    This week in English, Year 4 have been planning their own non-fiction texts based on Kensuke's Kingdom. Year 4 have been deciding which important survival facts and advice to include in their own guides. It has been great to see all the chil
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  • Marshmallow mouths!

    Published 21/02/24

    Year 4 have come back this week with a spring in their step, ready for their next half term of learning. 

    In science, we have started our new topic all about the digestive system. We started by learning about the mouth and teeth. The picture above shows a marshmallow mouth created in class. As you can see, the children were brilliant at creating different sized and shaped marshmallows to reprsent the different teeth in our mouths. 

    In PE, we have started our new dance unit and the chidlren have been exploring using different levels with their bodies and moving to a variety of different tempos.  

    Year 4 continue to learn about Japan, in art we are focusiing on a very famous japanese artist, Hokasi. We look foward to showcasing all of our learning during the 'share our learning', session on Friday. Please look out for the wonderful blossom paintings!

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  • A visitor and the tiniest bones in our body

    Published 31/01/24

    It was brilliant to have Jeremy, a practising humanist, visit Year 4 this week. He was full of insightful information about a way of life we have all been learning about. The children asked really impactful questions such as; have you always been a Humanist? Is it easy to follow the Golden Rules? And, Have you ever done anything you regret? Year 4 were able to demonstrate how much they already knew about Humanism, resulting in a very, VERY impressed Jeremy. They also learnt lots about the different humanist ceremonies and weddings. 



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  • Sound and sea waves

    Published 16/01/24
    This term in Year 4, we have started our new science topic, all about sound. We have conducted experiments using paper cup telephones and string to investigate how sound travels.  In geography, we have been learning all about Japan! This link
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