Philosophy, Maths and Sports Day

This week, the children have had a super time, developing their geometry skills in maths, using their thinking skills in philosophy and ending the week with Sports Day!
In maths, the children have continued to develop their geometry skills. They have understood the difference between vertical, horizontal, parallel and perpendicular lines, and have described 2D and 3D shapes. Their challenge was to use accurate mathematical language to describe a shape and see if their partner could guess their shape!
The children thoroughly enjoyed their philosophy lesson where they took part in discussions based on the topic of 'truth'. They watched a stimulus video which showed Simon Cowell giving feedback to X Factor contestants. The video raised a lot of questions and certainly got the children talking!
On Friday, the children had a fantastic time, taking part in Sports Day. They took part in long distance races, sprint races and a tennis ball throw competition. Well done to all the children for showing such great sportsmanship, encouragement to others and for doing their best! Thank you to Mr Lancaster for arranging such a fun sports day.