Fractions, Freeze frames and Flowers!
The children in Year 3 have had a fun and fascinating week of learning! In our maths lessons, we have enjoyed learning about fractions. The children used a variety of resources in order to help facilitate their understanding of unit and non - unit fractions, a whole and tenths. For English, we have continued reading our core text Podkin One -Ear. We have taken part in different activities in order to recount the events which occurred in Chapter Three. To help with this, the children loved creating their own freeze frames in small groups and performed these to their class! This week in science, the children have got their science hats on and have taken great interest in investigating the six variables plants need in order to grow healthily. They spent the beginning part of their science lesson setting up their practical enquiry in order to see the impact of taking away a variable on each plant. The children will continue to observe their plant and its potential changes over the following week!