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Year 3 News

Year 3 are excited to share with you some of the wonderful learning they have been doing this term. Click on the posts below to find out more...

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  • Excellent Egyptians

    Published 12/02/25

    Year three have celebrated coming to the end of their history topic of Ancient Egypt by making Canopic jars. These were used for storing the internal organs in the mummification process. Ask your child which jar they made and what organ would have been stored in them. Despite finishing the history topic, we will continue to study Egypt next term when we look at the River Nile in our geography lessons.  We will also continue to perfect our dance inspired by Ancient Egypt ready for our year 3 assembly; make sure that 27th March in in your diaries!

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  • Ancient Egypt Day

    Published 29/01/25

    Year 3 were transported 3000 years back in time this week to Ancient Egypt. They were put to work by the vizier and given many different tasks to help prepare for the Pharaoh's tomb. Amulets, Canopic jars, perfumes, cartouches and carved scarab beetles were amongst the crafts that the children could make. The children looked amazing in their costumes as they worked. Later in the day, there was a feast with performances and dances to celebrate the appointment of the new high priest. An awesome day of learning and fun!

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  • Marvellous Medicine and Music

    Published 15/01/25

    Year 3 have had a busy start to the new year. We have started our new core text, George's Marvellous Medicine, and are using this to inspire us to design our own powerful potions. Ask your child what theirs is called and what persuasive writing they have put on their label. The children are very excited to have started learning about Ancient Egypt especially as we are using the topic to inspire other lessons such as dance, art and music. The photo shows us beginning to compose a piece using just 3 notes.

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  • Fossils and

    Published 11/12/24

    Year 3 children enjoyed examining lots of amazing fossils this week - thanks to Brett Graham for sharing his collection. They took a trip back in time as they learnt about how fossils are formed. In English the children have been pretending to be newspaper reporters writing about the fabulous firework competition which is the finale of our class book. We are really looking forward to our carol concert next week and hope to see year 3 parents in the church at 2pm on Wednesday. Merry Christmas from the team.

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  • Richmonds Around the World

    Published 28/11/24

    In geography we have been looking at four different locations in the world which are all called Richmond: London, Yorkshire, Virginia USA and Melbourne Australia. Every day we have been recording the temperature in these locations  and using a key we have stuck a  different coloured leaf to our display to represent this temperature.  The photo shows 3T's display this week. As part of the topic, the children have learnt about different climate zones,  the northern and southern hemispheres and can describe locations as either rural or urban.

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  • Lila's decision

    Published 13/11/24

    Year 3 have started reading The Firework Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman. We are using this text to inspire our writing this term. Last week we wrote instructions for making our own firework using magical ingredients just like Lila and her father do. This week we are considering  how Lila feels when her father tells her that she cannot be a firework maker even though she feels that she knows everything she needs to know in order to be an excellent firework maker. The picture shows our own 'Lila' walking through 'conscience alley'  as we try to understand her dilemma. We will all be writing letters of advice to her.

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  • You've Got Jelly on Your Hat!

    Published 23/10/24

    Year 3 have celebrated the end of a long half term by making and eating jelly. The heroes of our core text, Major Glad Major Dizzy, love jelly so it is an appropriate way to finish; our last piece of writing based on the book will be instructions on how to make jelly. The children have also been having science related fun by making shadow puppet theatres and putting on plays about the adventures of the two heroic soldiers. To do this successfully, they have needed to understand how shadows are formed and to choose materials which are translucent and materials which are opaque.

    To celebrate black history month, we have looked at a timeline stretching back to pre-historic times which shows how key people of colour have been in British history for tens of thousands of years. We have also learnt a little about the amazing author Malarie Blackman. Have a lovely half term break!

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  • Stone Age Day

    Published 09/10/24

    Year 3 have gone back in time for the day to learn more about life in the Stone Age era. They have created tools using flint knapping, hunted for animals and pretended to use every part of their catch for either eating, making shelter and clothing or jewellery. They have created cave paintings in their cave. There has also been a fabulous visit from  a theatre company where the children met an interacted with an archaeologist and a palaeolithic human. Altogether an amazing day of hands on learning!

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  • Sunshine and shadows

    Published 24/09/24

    Year 3 took advantage of the sunshine last week and carried out a scientific investigation. At 3 points during the day we drew around a child's shadow. We used the same child each time to ensure that our investigation was a fair test. As you can see in the photo, the shadow was in a different place at each time. The children were able to explain that the shadow had changed because the sun (the light source) was in different  position in the sky. We then could discuss how the earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours. 

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  • Stonehenge

    Published 11/09/24

    Year 3 have made a great start to the new year and are getting used to the new routines. They have already shown fabulous maths skills and are preparing themselves for their first piece of writing in their new English books. They have begun to learn about prehistory in our topic for the half term; The Stone Age to the Iron Age. As you can see, they have produced some art work reflecting their learning. In addition to all the learning, they have made new friends in their mixed up classes. Well done!

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  • Happy Memories!

    Published 16/07/24

    We have had a wonderful year teaching the lovely year 3 children. They have worked hard, laughed and learnt so much. We wish them well as they continue their Sheen Mount journey into year 4. The last couple of weeks of year 3 have continued to be packed with learning with lots of maths work on shape and statistics and the completion of their epic fantasy adventure stories. The photo is of the 'Takeover' which took place a few weeks ago and the children tell us was one of the highlights of the year.

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  • Meal Deal?

    Published 02/07/24

    Year 3 have been busy with 2 design and technology projects this week. Firstly, they have evaluated existing sandwich packaging before designing and making their own shell structures to safely hold a tasty lunch. They have also been evaluating different ingredients and have planned their own nutritious sandwich. They will make the sandwiches on Thursday morning, place them in their packaging and finally get to eat them on an afternoon picnic.

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