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Yoga and story telling!

Year 2 have had another busy two weeks! We have particularly enjoyed careers week this week and loved hearing from a garden designer as well as taking part in some yoga and a PT session! 

In English, over the last two weeks we have focused our learning around the Anthony Browne book, The Tunnel. The children made story maps and completed drama work to help retell the story. Then we created our own stories based on this book. 

In maths, we have been looking at how to present and interpret data. This has included the children creating and answering questions about tally charts, bar charts and pictograms.

In PE we have been doing some orienteering! We have used maps of the school grounds to find markers and plan an efficient route.  

The children have really enjoyed forest school over the past two weeks. They get to explore the great outdoors whilst taking part in a variety of different activities. Perhaps the most enjoyable part this week was starting their own fires!