Bats, beats and bee bots!

Year 2 have had another fun filled two weeks!
This week in English the children have been learning how to research and write their own non-chronological reports. Our English has been linked with science so the reports have been all about nocturnal animals. We used headings and paragraphs to order our writing. Last week we explored the life cycle of a butterfly and made our own life cycle wheels.
In maths we have begun looking at multiplication. First we grouped objects and wrote this as a repeated addition sentence. Then we have turned repeated addition sentences into arrays and a multiplication sentence. For example, 2 + 2 + 2 is the same as 3 X 2.
In music, the children designed and performed their own 4 beat rhythm using a crochet (walking beat), quaver (jogging beat) and crochet rest (shhhh; no beat).
In art we have been looking at collages. This week the children designed their own patterns on different materials such as card and paper. They will then use this to tear or cut into different pieces/shapes, to make their own animal collage.
Finally, we all went on a virtual bus tour of London! We tapped in using our oyster cards and visited lots of London landmarks learning fun facts about them along the way.