A historical dig, number bonds and making gloop!

Year 2 have had a great start to the Autumn term! We have enjoyed reading the Day the Crayons Quit and wrote about the crayons looks, personality and feelings. We also made inferences based on what we had read. We have also started looking at commands and using 'bossy' verbs to give instructions!
In maths, we have been recapping our number bonds to 10 and 20. We then checked our answers using a bar model and have moved onto comparing numbers using greater and less than symbols.
In history, we have begun our topic of the Great Fire of London. We went on a dig and found some artefacts which we then explored and came up with questions about what they could be.
In science, we had lots of fun making gloop as part of our experiment! We investigated what happened when we mixed cornflour and water together and then left in to set.