How to catch a star!

What a wonderful week full of shapes and books!
Year 2 have had a wonderful week back after half-term. In English, we looked at another book by Oliver Jeffers called 'How to catch a Star'. The children drew amazing space settings and thought of exciting adjectives to describe them. They then wrote their own space settings full of descriptive language and punctuation. In science, we started our new topic on 'Materials' and investigated the properties of different objects. In maths, we have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties. We looked for 3D shapes around our environment and then moved on to introduce the properties of shapes by counting their faces, vertices and edges. We finished the week by making 'Wanted' posters using all our knowledge about shapes. The children loved learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali (Festival of Lights). They coloured Rangoli patterns and Diva lamps.