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Year 2 News

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  • Wetlands!

    Published 18/07/24
    Year 2 have had a wonderful final few weeks with our final forest school sessions, sports day and a trip to the Wetlands Centre. In English we have been finishing writing our own twisted tale based on the true story of the three little pigs. We th
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  • Forest school fires and traditional tales!

    Published 04/07/24
    Year 2 have had a great two weeks with highlights being creating fires in Forest school and also creating our own twisted tale! In maths we have been exploring position and direction. We have been describing where objects are using positional lang
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  • Yoga and story telling!

    Published 20/06/24
    Year 2 have had another busy two weeks! We have particularly enjoyed careers week this week and loved hearing from a garden designer as well as taking part in some yoga and a PT session!  In English, over the last two weeks we have focused ou
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  • 3D maps!

    Published 05/06/24
    Year 2 have had a fantastic few weeks. They have come back to school after half term raring to go! Before half term, in art, we used recycled materials to create 3D maps of our journeys to school. The children showed brilliant creativity in using
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  • Victorian school!

    Published 15/05/24

    Year 2 have had a busy two weeks! 

    In English we finished writing about the pros and cons of zoos and continued our ongoing debate about whether zoos are for animals or humans. We also read a new book by Anthony Browne called Gorilla. We made some inferences about how the character was feeling at different points in the story and why. 

    In history, we went back in time to learn about and experience what a lesson was like in the Victorian times! We learnt about the 3Rs; reading, writing and arithmetic. Additionally, we learnt about how children had to sit in rows, use a blackboard and chalk and of course the strict punishments! 

    In science we have continued exploring different habitats and discussing why animals are suited to their habitat. We discussed extreme habitats such as the arctic and desert as well as local habitats such as under the ground. 

    In maths we finished our work on telling the time and have now been recapping the four operations. We are also moving on to a variety of reasoning problems and learning how to solve these. 

    In PE, we have been doing some artistic gymnastics! We have been balancing bean bags, balls and using hoops to travel in a variety of different ways. 

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  • Scooter training and zoo debates!

    Published 01/05/24
    Year 2 have had a lovely two weeks. Our highlight was completing scooter training at the end of last week! In English, we have been discussing the pros and cons of zoos! We came up with lots of reasons why zoos are good for animals or not so good.
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  • Summer temperatures...

    Published 18/04/24
    We have had a great week back in year 2 after the Easter break. The children were all very excited to come back and share all the wonderful things they had done over the holiday. In English this term we will be focussing on the author Anthony Brow
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  • The London Eye!

    Published 20/03/24
    Year 2 have had a brilliant few weeks! On Friday, we hopped on the train to Waterloo and went on the London Eye. The children were very excited and enjoyed seeing and naming lots of landmarks that we had learnt about in geography this term. 
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  • Gymnastics, measures and Mary Poppins!

    Published 07/03/24
    Year 2 has had a wonderful two weeks. We all loved celebrating Sheen Mount's birthday on Friday and fully embraced our 90s theme!  In English, we have been enjoying reading Mary Poppins. We imagined we were jumping into our own chalk draw
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  • Making cars!

    Published 21/02/24
    Year 2 have been very busy for the last few weeks.  In D&T, we designed, made and evaluated moving vehicles using shoeboxes. The children were so creative and vehicles from fire trucks to ice cream vans were made.  In English, we
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  • Bats, beats and bee bots!

    Published 31/01/24
    Year 2 have had another fun filled two weeks! This week in English the children have been learning how to research and write their own non-chronological reports. Our English has been linked with science so the reports have been all about noct
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  • Performing poetry!

    Published 18/01/24
    Year 2 has had a lovely start back to the Spring term. In English we have begun to explore a variety of poems. We performed these in groups, thinking about speaking clearly with expression and also including some actions. We have also been learning a
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