Past tense and Place Value

Welcome back to the Spring term! Year 1 have returned to school eager to begin their new topics.
In English we have read Where the Wild Things Are and acted out freeze frames. We then ordered the story using pictures from the story and then drew our own story map. This week we have also been learning about the past tense using the suffix -ed. We changed verbs into the past tense and then wrote some of our own sentences.
In maths we have been going over place value with a particular focus on numbers 11-20. We used a range of resources such as bead strings, numicon, base 10 and tens frames to represent these numbers. We have also been using numberlines and filling in the missing numbers.
In science we went on a winter walk around the school grounds. We observed many signs of winter such as colder temperatures, frost in the mornings and fewer leaves on the trees.
In music we learnt to clap to the beat of the rhythm and then practised our own chant.
We have also all been busy practising for our upcoming assemblies!