Forest school fun!

Year 1 have had a fun filled 2 weeks since half term! Moles and Otters class have enjoyed being outdoors for their forst school sessions and Hedgehogs are looking forward to their session next week. They have been enjoying creating leaf sparklers, dens and of course the mud kitchen!
In English we have been reading The Gruffalo. We learnt about adjectives and used them to describe the Gruffalo and the Owl in our writing.
In maths we have been learning out number bonds to ten and ordering them systematically. We have also been looking at addition and adding together and adding more to a number using resources such as tens frames.
In Geography we have continued to learn about the continents. Last week we learnt about North American and the difference between human and physical features. This week we explored South America with a particular focus on Brazil and the children loved creating their own carnival mask!
In science we have finished our topic about the senses. We all loved watching the skittles experiment as it turned into a rainbow.
In art we explored different types of lines such as horizontal, vertical, diagonal and also cross hatching. We then used chalk to create a whole class collage.
In phonics we have also been learning our new Phase 5 sounds!