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Playgrounds, time and sunflowers!

Playgrounds, time and sunflowers!

This week we had a D&T day! We created our own freestanding structure. The children explored, designed, made and evaluated their playground equipment. The children learnt a range of joining skills, such as a; flange, slit, tabs, L-brace, fold. In maths, we have been learning to tell time. We have explored telling time to the hour and half past. We have learnt the difference between the hour and minute hand. In science, we have finished writing a plant diary for our sunflower. We have watched them grow over the last few weeks, and hopefully they will continue to grow at your home! In art, we have been learning how to print with primary colours. 


We hope you all enjoy the last few days in Year 1, and we wish you a happy and restful summer holiday!