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Verbs, Dancing and Shapes

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This week Year 1 have been learning about verbs. We have read the story 'We're going to find the monster!' by Malorie Blackman, to write sentences using verbs. The children have impressed us by thinking of creative verbs for their pictures.

In Maths we started our new topic of Shape. This week we have learnt about 2D shapes and are going to start looking at 3D shapes. We tried sorting different shapes into groups and even went on a shape hunt in our classrooms.

Our topic in PE is Dance. We have been keeping to the count of 8 whilst moving like animals. We are starting to add music and exploring how that effects the way we move. We will soon be creating our own sequence of movements.

Last week we started our new topic of Materials in Science. We have explored the properties of different materials and objects. This week we had a closer look at opaque, transparent and waterproof. Next week we will be doing an experiment to test what materials are waterproof.

We are now halfway through forest school. We hope the children have enjoyed their time outside.