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Moving pictures, The Gruffalo and adjectives!

Welcome back Year 1! We hope you had a restful half term.

Welcome back Year 1! We hope you had a restful half term.

In the week before half term we had our harvest assembly. The children did a fantastic job and should be very proud of their performance. We are now busy preparing for our Christmas show!

In Maths, we have worked extremely hard to understand the concept of using part whole models to write addition sentences. We have another week on addition before we move onto subtraction. In English, we are starting our new book, The Gruffalo. We have been writing sentences using exciting adjectives to describe the characters in the story. In carousel, we are making our own moving pictures which we planned in our D&T carousel activity before half-term. Some of us have used a lever and others have chosen a slider (above is a picture of some who have made theirs already).

We look forward to showing you our work on Friday!

The Year 1 Team.