What a two weeks Year 1 have had!

It really has been a busy two weeks in Year 1. We have been preparing for our Class Assemblies on top of all the rest of our learning. In English, we have looked at traditional fables - focusing on the Lion and the Mouse and the Hare and the Tortoise. We have been acting them and writing retells as well as getting into character and writing a diary entry for the first time as the tortoise. In maths, we have been revising our subtraction skills and then bringing our addition and subtraction knowledge together in fact families. In art, we have begun to look at sculpture and made our own sculptures this week outside inspired by the work of Andy Goldsworthy. In geography, we have learnt about the weather symbols and the children really enjoyed writing and reading their own weather forecast for the UK. Finally, we have continued to learn about animals in science and we have a wonderful day out at Hobbledown Farm, seeing animals in real life.