Exploring our local area!

We have had a lovely busy week this week! The children have been so excited about starting their swimming lessons, and we have been so impressed with how sensible they have been at the pool and loved hearing how much they have enjoyed it.
As part of our local area study the children have taken part in a local walk. They spotted lots of features of a suburban area and talked to their friends about what they could see. Thankfully we had nice weather for our walks too! The Otters will get to enjoy their local walk when Mrs Wigmore is back.
In English, we have been looking at poetry, with a focus on alliteration. The children have had a go at writing alliterative sentences to describe an animal. There were lots of ‘fantastic foxes’, ‘happy hedgehogs’ and ‘magnificent moles’!
In maths, we have looked at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and learned how to use this knowledge to group amounts. We have started to use the multiplication symbol to write how many groups of objects we can count.