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Write for survival.

This week in English, Year 4 have been planning their own non-fiction texts based on Kensuke's Kingdom. Year 4 have been deciding which important survival facts and advice to include in their own guides. It has been great to see all the children planning out their guides carefully, making sure to include headings, subheadings, diagrams, introductions, bullet points and instructions with imperative verbs. The children have been really creative and we would like to share one of the introductions with you here:

It's an exotic world out there, just waiting to be searched, but sometimes disaster strikes! Could you start a blazing hot fire in the pouring rain? Well, here you can learn how. Could you find food and water ( outside Waitrose and Tesco's)? Believe it or not... it's possible. Let me pour my wisdom into your brain because this... is... EXTREME SURVIVAL! 

Max. C 4S

We look forward to seeing everyone's writing come together.