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Marshmallow mouths!

Year 4 have come back this week with a spring in their step, ready for their next half term of learning. 

In science, we have started our new topic all about the digestive system. We started by learning about the mouth and teeth. The picture above shows a marshmallow mouth created in class. As you can see, the children were brilliant at creating different sized and shaped marshmallows to reprsent the different teeth in our mouths. 

In PE, we have started our new dance unit and the chidlren have been exploring using different levels with their bodies and moving to a variety of different tempos.  

Year 4 continue to learn about Japan, in art we are focusiing on a very famous japanese artist, Hokasi. We look foward to showcasing all of our learning during the 'share our learning', session on Friday. Please look out for the wonderful blossom paintings!

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