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Sound and sea waves

This term in Year 4, we have started our new science topic, all about sound. We have conducted experiments using paper cup telephones and string to investigate how sound travels. 

In geography, we have been learning all about Japan! This links brilliantly with other subjects this term. We are designing sushi as part of our D and T learning and will be looking at Hokusai art after half-term. In English, we have been reading Kensuki's Kingdom by Michael Morporgo and, without giving too much away, will discover the Japanese link in due course. As part of our English lessons, we have been learning how to write an informal letter, and we have been impressed by Year 4's creative vocabulary and complex sentences. 

In maths, we have been working really hard on our multiplication and division. Lots of the children were excited about learning the formal written method for multiplying two numbers together. 

Well done to everyone in Year 4 for a brilliant first week back!