Dear Parents,
I hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing half term break. The INSET day on Monday involved over 30 staff taking a one day first aid course, whilst the class teachers were busy writing the end of term reports.
Whilst we look forward to giving our current Year 6 the fitting send off they fully deserve, our mind begins to turn to next academic year. Our first stay and play for next year's reception is after school on Tuesday 18th June.
The PSA disco takes place after school today-thank you to those who have organised it.
I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow night at the parents' platinum party. Dare I say it, but has summer arrived (sort of)?
Key dates for the half term
A reminder of some key dates for the half-term-
Friday 28th June. Class lists and teachers announced for 2024-25
Monday 1st July Moving up morning to their new year groups
Saturday 6th July Summer fair
Thursday 11th July KS2 Sports day 9.30-12.30pm
Friday 12th July R/KS1 Sports day 9.30-12.30pm
Thursday 18th and Friday 19th July-End of school reports going out
Wednesday 24th July Term finishes at 2.00/2.10pm
Whole school photo
This will take place tomorrow-Friday 7th June. All children will need to be in school uniform-summer or winter is fine. It will be taken in two separate parts and then merged. The aim is to take this photo every three years moving forward. Therefore, it would occur twice in your children's time here at Sheen Mount-once in R/KS1 and once in KS2.
Y6 residential trip to Marchants Hill
The Year 6 children had a wonderful time on their residential trip the week before half term. Pictures of the trip can be found here-
Many thanks to all the staff who gave up their week to give the children this experience.
Next week the Year 5s go to the Isle of Wight and I will be joining them for the whole week.
Careers week-w/c 17th June
Thank you to all those parents who volunteered for this event. Mrs Sroka has planned an exciting range of events for all year groups, with our UKS2 experiencing a careers fair. We look forward to telling you all about the week.
School choir at Richmond Singing festival-written by our music lead Mrs Boa.
On Wednesday 22nd May our Year 3,4,5 choir took part in the Richmond School`s Singing Festival at the Rose Theatre. This event was the culmination of our rehearsals since January. Our choir joined with other schools from around the borough to sing songs with a weather theme, including Weather With You (Crowded House), Curtains (Ed Sheeran), Thunder (Imagine Dragons). 
Our choir then took to the stage alongside East Sheen to perform two songs; the eighties classic Africa and Another Day of Sun from La La Land. The children performed brilliantly and definitely deserved the huge cheer they received at the end of the performance. Singing with a live band accompanying them was the icing on the cake. I was immensely proud of them.
Borough Sports
Well done to the nine children who represented the school yesterday at the St Mary's University Sir Mo Farah track. They competed in four individual events and then a team relay. After some ups and downs throughout the day, the team pulled together to win the whole team relay against 40 other schools. 
William P from Y5-starring role at Twickenham
Keep your eyes peeled for William from 5W bringing the ball on the pitch for the Premiership rugby final on Saturday at Twickenham in front of 82,000 people.
William is an active member of Wimbledon rugby club and Sheen Mount tag rugby club (with a decisive side step), all of this despite having left-side hemiplegia.
School charity day
We raised a fantastic £933 for the WWF school council charity day last half-term. Well done to everyone, particularly the entrepreneurs who put the time and effort into the stalls after school selling cakes and other homemade items.
Little Princess trust
An update for you following Mollie in Y4's appeal in a previous newsletter. She has a raised a fantastic £2100 to have her hair cut off and that is now enough for three wigs.
Have a good weekend
Best wishes
Tom Holmes - Headteacher

Maria O'Brien - Deputy Headteacher