Dear Parents,
It feels the wet winter might finally be a thing of the past with lighter evenings finally appearing. I hope you enjoyed parent consultation evenings last week, as they play an important part in all children's education.
Platinum day
Firstly, thank you very much for making such an effort with the dressing up, it set us off for a fantastic day. We started with a whole school assembly and a parade of the costumes from all the year groups, accompanied by some music from the decade. The children had a range of activities in the classroom from their focus decade and a special treat of doughnuts pudding with their lunch. We were also fortunate to welcome some past pupils to the school, including someone who was here on the first day the school opened in 1954. One visitor who attended in the 1960s and was last at the school ten years ago, greatly enjoyed seeing the new block, swimming pool and the astroturf. We ensured most of the time for the visitors was for Q&A, as the children greatly enjoyed finding out about the past. There are lots of pictures on twitter.
It makes you reflect on the rich history of the past and how the future story of the school is now to be made and in all of our hands.
We aim to survey all stakeholders (pupils, parents and staff) every two years and this year's surveys will be sent out in the text of the email. Please take the time to fill these in.
For the children in Reception and Year 1, this will be carried out through a hands-up survey in class. For all other children, we would ask that you fill it in at home. Whilst the parent survey should be one per family, please try and fill the child survey in as one per child.
Visit of Sir Mo Farah to open the astroturf
We thank Anton Phatianov (parent from Y4) for voluntarily giving his time to produce this wonderful video of the event.
Please see a link here to the the front page of the website. Just scroll down and it's the third video.
Laura Starbuck (parent from Y2 and Y5), once again gave her time to give us some excellent photos that have already been shared on twitter and will be used around the school.
Toilets in the main block
I hope you read the email of the very welcome news that our much-needed renovation project for the toilets used by KS1 and UKS2 has been approved through the council's buildings fund. We anticipate this starting in this academic year and will bring you further news when the timescales are confirmed.
Quiz club
Well done to our two teams who took part in the quiz club competition this week. To be selected to represent the school is a huge achievement as it was only two children from each year group. Well done to the team of Isabella 6AD, Tom 5B, Esther 4BZ and Simon 3MN for competing. The team below managed to make it through to the semi finals.
from George and Elodie
Last Friday we took part in a general knowledge quiz. We entered two teams of four each consisting of a pupil from year 3, 4, 5 and 6. Our teams were selected following a quiz in class that the whole of key stage 2 completed. We are very excited that one of our teams have got through to the semi-final which will take place next week. There were nearly 70 teams from different schools in the area heat. We have been preparing for the semi-final by reviewing our strategy and completing more practice quizzes.
“I’ve really enjoyed the quizzes and to get through to the semi-finals is even better.” George 5D
“I really enjoyed the quiz because I like being competitive and am overjoyed that we made it to the semi-finals.” Selena 4S
“I really loved it because we got to work together and we got to the semi-final.” Cassia 3F
“I enjoyed the quiz as I got to use my knowledge and I am very happy we are through to the semi-finals.” Elodie 6S
Ambassadors-school council
It is the turn of the school councillors this week and I have the pleasure of taking the school council every other week on a Monday at 2pm. Each class from Y2 upwards has two representatives- you can only be a school councillor once.
Hello we are the school councillors and we are going to explain our shared responsibilities and the benefits which go with it. In our meetings we discuss what we could improve on in our school and how to make it a better school for all pupils.
Hi, I’m Max and I am a school councillor in year 6 and I enjoy sharing my ideas to help improve the school.
Hi, I’m Arya and I like that Mr Holmes always listens to us and tries to make our ideas possible.
Hi, I’m Flora and I enjoy helping to build onto relationships throughout other year groups and listening to their ideas.
Hello, I am Tala and I'm a school councillor in year 6. The reason I applied to be a school councillor is I want to help other people voice their ideas and opinions.
Hi, I’m Cansu. One of the things I like is to share my ideas and try to make the school a better place.
Hi, I’m Ollie and I like suggesting new ideas and contributing to the discussions we have.
National Governance Day
Thursday 28th February was National School Governor Awareness Day.
Don't worry no dressing up was required - I think the children had the fun of that for Platinum Day last Friday!
Quick intro - I'm Susan Boughton, I have two sons at Sheen Mount. I am also an elected Parent Governor and since September '23 Chair of our Governing Board.
I have been a governor for two and a half years now and have learnt so much through the role and also had the pleasure of working with a great team.
Before I joined, I have to confess I don't think I really knew much about school governance! People often have questions when I mention the role, so thought I would share these links.
What do governors do?
About our Sheen Mount Governors
I would also, as its Governor Awareness Day, like to take this chance to say a big THANK YOU to all the governors on our board for their commitment to the school.
You may not ever meet many of them, and the majority of their work happens in the background of the school running, but they are truly committed to getting the best out of our school.
Please continue to be considerate of our neighbours and community. I am going to give some posters to a neighbour on Christchurch road, who has grown very frustrated about her drive being blocked.
Message from Mrs Adams, our science lead
Royal Institution Family Science Show at Holy Trinity
The Royal Institution will be presenting an interactive science show at Holy Trinity CE Primary School on 18th March and families from local schools are invited to attend. The event will run from 5:30pm-6:30pm. Attendance is free and there will be a bar open where refreshments can be purchased. This is an event for families to attend together, so children must be accompanied by an adult. If you would like to attend, please complete this form.
There is a maximum of 20 places available for Sheen Mount families. In the event of the show being oversubscribed, these will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please assume that you have been given a place unless you are informed otherwise.
Sports Results
Year 3/ 4 girls football tournament
Our Y3/4 girls attended a borough football tournament last week. For some of them, representing the school for the first time. They had a very successful event, winning their three group matches and progressing to the final.
Unfortunately, they were not on the end of a victory and suffered a very close loss. However, the girls deservedly received their silver medals.
The netball team attended the borough event yesterday. After 2 draws, a win and a loss in the morning session, they went through to the plate competition. They then went on a fabulous run of 4 wins and a draw, placing them in the final of the plate competition.
The drama was then really ramped up as the teams couldn't be separated and we had a netball penalty shoot -out! The children were not victorious, but returned to school with some very well-earned silver medals. Many thanks to our netball coach (and parent) Nikki Price for coaching the team and taking them on the day.
Year 4 football tournament
We have been invited to a range of St Paul's tournaments and the Y4 team were the first ones to attend. Again, some of the team were representing the school for the first time and the team managed to win half their games, but not progress to the final stages.
Qualifying from League matches
I slightly jumped the gun previously and am delighted to say the girls have also qualified for the last 16 league matches as well as the boys. The tag rugby team has also made it through to the next round.
School X Country KS2 Children
The date planned for this is Tuesday 26th March on Sheen Common. The event will start at 2pm, with Y3/4 children running around 600m and Y5/6 around 800m. If you do bring a dog to the common, please do not bring it near the children at any time. As per sports day, we will ask you to keep your distance from the children as it makes our safeguarding/health and safety easier to carry out.
Year 6 Bikeability
You may have seen our Year 6s pedalling around the local roads as half of them enjoyed being put through their paces for Bikeability. The other half of the year group will have their turn in a few weeks.
Have a good weekend
Tom Holmes - Headteacher

Maria O'Brien - Deputy Headteacher