Dear Parents,
We arrive at the last newsletter of the term, currently in the middle of the Christmas concerts and productions. We really enjoyed Year 2's performances on Tuesday and Wednesday morning and our very uplifting Year 1 concert this morning. Reception follows tomorrow morning, before our Y3 and 4 and Y5 and 6 concerts in the church on Wednesday 20th.
Thank you to all those who helped with the Christmas fair on Saturday 2nd December. Particular thanks go to those on the committee who helped organise the day, giving up lots of time to plan and organise. Thanks, too, to all those who helped design and set up the fabulous Grotto. The children managed to make use of this space in the week after the fair and enjoy it.
A reminder we finish an hour early on the last day of term, next Thursday 21st December: R and KS1 at 2pm and KS2 at 2.10pm.
A reminder, the first day back after the Christmas break is Monday 8th January, with no INSET day.
Christmas jumper/Christmas lunch - Tuesday 19th December
A reminder of this on the date above. Children can wear a Christmas jumper/t-shirt to school. Any form of creative addition to a normal jumper is more than welcome and there is no need to buy something new. lf you wish to donate to Save the Children, the link is:
As per the email earlier in the week, Year 5 and 6 should bring theirs with them and can put them on once the rehearsal in the church has finished.
National survey for children
Please see information below around a national survey which is anticipated to take 5-10 minutes to complete.
‘The Big Ambition’ provides a much-needed opportunity for the children of England to tell policy makers what is important to them ahead of the General Election.
Children and parents can complete the survey here:
Let's make sure that the children and young people of Richmond upon Thames are represented in the results.
Events this week
Indoor Athletics
Well done to our indoor athletics team this week, who finished second in their
regional heat. The team each took part in two running events and two field events.
Forest School
Year 1 have finished their four-week forest school programme for the academic year. Here are some highlights from their time-

Careers Week 17th - 21st June 2024
We are very excited about a careers week we have planned for the summer term. We intend for every year group in the school to benefit from this with Year 5 & 6 enjoying a 'career fair'.
Message from Mrs Sroka, Enrichment lead
We are organising a Careers Week from 17th to 21st June 2024 and would love your support. We would like parents to talk about their jobs and inspire our children to think about what they may want to do in the future. This may involve talking in assembly or visiting classes for them to ask questions. We will also be holding a careers fair in the school hall for pupils in Years 5 and 6, where they can talk to parents and members of the local community to hear what opportunities there are for them. Pupils will be able to learn about different professions and gain an understanding of what the jobs entail, the range of roles available and the skills that are needed to be successful.
If you are interested in participating in this event, or have any suggestions about how we can make it a success, please complete our Skills Share Google Form. Many thanks to the parents who have already done so. The form has now been updated to allow you to record your availability so we would be grateful if you could return to the form and add this to your response.
Skills Share Form
Music ambassadors
This week is the turn of the Music Ambassadors. Our Music Ambassadors are: Abby(6AD), Alex(6K), Hannah(6AD), Matilda(6S) and Sophia(6S).
They are working with our Music lead and Year 5 teacher (Mrs Boa). These five students re fantastic ambassadors for music at Sheen Mount, as between them, they have performed in Celebration Assembly, to new parents visiting the school and sung in the Sheen Mount Choir to the school and wider community.
This is why they love music and are music ambassadors:
Alex: When I played in front of some parents on an open day I felt really excited and happy as soon as I started playing because it felt empowering and graceful.I love playing jazz piano because it doesn’t matter if you mess up it still goes with the tune.
Abby: I love music because of the amazing sound that it makes and especially the orchestra. After the Holy Lodge concert, I felt proud to perform in the church with our whole school choir and other schools.
Hannah: I love music because I play lots of instruments and they inspire me to continue learning music -it makes me happy.
Matilda: I love music, it gives me lots of inspiration for the choices I make outside music. I felt nervous singing Once in Royal David's City solo, but I realised it's all about the Christmas spirit.
Sophia: I am inspired by the different genres of music. I love getting lost in the world of playing piano and love singing solos and performing a variety of different songs in the choir. Even if you are finding an instrument difficult, DO NOT give up because after a while you will find yourself entering a whole, new world of music.
They have been doing a brilliant job helping Mrs Boa to select and organise children who would like to perform in Celebration Assembly for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and on Friday are going to the Sheen Lane Day Centre to join in with some Year 2 singing.
Book box for the playground
The school council have made a request for a book box to go in the playground so that they can look at some books at play/lunch times. If anyone is willing to construct something suitable, please contact me.
Library-donation list
The below has been set up by our parent volunteers in the library. If anyone wishes to buy any for the library, they would be greatly appreciated.
100 club-double winners!

Choir visit to Holly Lodge - from Matilda and Emma 6S
We began with a traditional song, Once in Royal David's City, the first verse being sung by our soloist (Matilda Hancock) and the audience joined in with the rest. Then Clarendon school choir sang a variety of songs, one of them being Merry Christmas Everyone. Soon after, our choir came in and sang many cheerful songs, such as Silent Night sung by our soloists Kiami, Rose, Abby and Beatrice. Then came our personal favourite, Jingle Bells. This song was conducted by our Year 6 teacher, Mrs Adams; it was sung by all choirs along with Sheen Gate Choir, who are adults. Afterwards, Jacki read a poem aloud to everyone about the feeling of waking up on a winter morning.
During the interval, we were all treated to delicious mince pies and fruit shoots were provided to children, whilst the grown-ups had a glass of wine which put them into the Christmas spirit! Many Sheen Mount children stayed with their families for the second half for more of the uplifting action. The second half started off with the outstanding Hallelujah, sung by Sheen Gate choir, which really livened the night. To add some jazzy fun, Daniel Watt and Dino Baptiste performed songs such as White Christmas. Daniel played the drums perfectly while Dino played the piano and sang. Finally, we ended the night by singing a classic carol, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, and then the concert came to an end.
We had so much fun performing in front of everyone that night, we sang our hearts out, really living in the moment.
From Holly Lodge
May I please give you all a very big thank you for all the work you did in helping me plan the concert last Thursday and then in preparing and coaching that wonderful choir that you brought to the church for the event itself. Once again, your pupils gave us such excellent singing both when they were performing their own pieces and earlier in "Jingle Bells" when you combined with Clarendon School and Sheen Gate Choir. Thank you again.
Richmond Good neighbours
A message from the Christmas bag donations.
On behalf of Richmond Good Neighbours, I would like to thank you for the wonderful support from Sheen Mount School parents who have donated so many beautiful Christmas gift bags for elderly Richmond residents. Our elves will be dropping the bags off this week!
The thoughtful gift bags busting with beautifully wrapped gifts and charming messages and cards from the children, will give great pleasure to our clients.
Special thanks must go to Cornelia who has been so kind helping to co-ordinate these donations; we are so lucky she offered once again to help us.
Have a good weekend and Christmas break when it arrives.
Tom Holmes - Headteacher

Maria O'Brien - Deputy Headteacher