Dear Parents
An absolute plethora of activities over the past two weeks has taken us towards half-term. Please see below for further information.
A reminder that Monday 5th June is an INSET day, we look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 6th June.
School events
Disco and PSA events
Thank you to all staff and those from the parent body who helped with the discos last week. Especially our two DJ's and the staff who gave up their time after school. This event raised a nearly £2000 for the school.
A reminder to support PSA events coming up-there is the summer party on Friday 7th June from 7.30pm in the school grounds.
The Summer fair is on Saturday 1st July-more information will be sent nearer the time.
Children's cake and homemade items sale
Well done to all the children who created their own stalls and sold items after school last Friday. Over £400 was raised for the Forest, Field, Fun Project. Thank you for all your entrepreneurial hard work!
School events
Thank you to all those staff who gave up their time for the Y3 sleepover and for the Y6 trip to PGL Marchants Hill which is taking place this week. I visited them yesterday afternoon and saw a range of climbing, rafting and obstacle course activities. They were having an action packed sun-drenched week.
Y3 had an interactive Ancient Egyptian workshop day in school last week. The children came dressed as Egyptians and had a range of activities to enjoy.
Sports-cricket, chess and tennis
Twenty children represented the school at the borough cricket last week. The boys were agonisingly close to making it through to the semi-finals. They had two comfortable wins and a very narrow loss. For many of the girls this was their first taste of competitive cricket and despite the losses, they had a very enjoyable time representing the school.
Four children from Year 5 and 6 represented the school at the borough tennis tournament. Being played on a 'quarter court' was a challenge for the children, but once they adapted, they performed very well. Finishing 3rd in their group and narrowly not going through to the next stage.
Chess- over 10 children went and represented the school on Saturday at a southern regional event in Bristol. Thank you to all the parents for their support in taking the children and it was an excellent achievement to reach this stage of the competition against many independent schools who give time up in the curriculum for chess. 
Primary maths challenge
Over 20 children in Y6 proceeded through to the 'bonus round', where a range of bronze, silver and gold certificates were awarded. Congratulations to all those who received them; we are pleased to add this to our enrichment provision.
Staffing news
Congratulations to Miss Hopwood who is getting married on Saturday 10th June. We wish her and her partner Jack, all the best on their big day. Having been a pupil at the school, she has a long association with Sheen Mount, as well as Mrs Hopwood (her mum) working in the school. She will be called by her married name from September-Mrs Humphreys.
Forest, Field, Fun update 
The totaliser can now move up to £75,000 from £60,000. Well done everyone! Thank you to all those who have contributed so far.
Parent workshops
Please see below some information from Mrs Jeffery, our Assistant Headteacher and SENCO. These look very valuable and typify many of the questions we get at school around parenting.
Sheen Mount is undertaking the Attachment Aware Schools Award and as part of this project staff have been trained in a range of different strategies, including the Restorative Approach and Emotion Coaching. We are in the process of updating our behaviour policy in light of this training.
We would like to offer parents the opportunity to learn about these approaches and to begin to use shared language and approach with their children. Therefore we are offering two parent workshops on Positive Behaviour Management. These workshops are aimed at supporting all parents in our school community. Please find the dates, times and joining information below:
Session 1 - Emotion Coaching Tuesday 20th June 2023 from 19.00 – 20.00
Session 2 – Restorative Approach Tuesday 4th July 2023 from 19.00 – 20.00
PSA summer fair request
Dear Sheen Mount Parents
As we are getting closer to the end of the school year and half term approaching very soon you might take some time to do a bit of spring cleaning, the Year 1 Reps would love your donation of sellable toys for the Toy & Book stand at the Summer Fair on the 1st of July.
We would be very grateful for donations of children's toys and books of good quality that would suit all children's ages at school. All profits will go towards the PSA for the Forest Field and Fun project.
We can only accept toys in GREAT CONDITION, which are STILL WORKING, CLEAN and puzzles that are COMPLETE. If possible, please include batteries. Remember, these toys will be purchased and brought home by your/your friend’s children.
For this reason, we cannot accept small junk, broken or incomplete toys. Please be considerate.
Please put your donation on top or underneath the ping-pong table (next to the shed by the brown gate) at DROP-OFF only, anytime from Tuesday 6th of June. Bigger items like bikes/ kitchens/ dolls houses are best delivered to the stall on the morning of the fair so if you do have these just give us a heads up.
Thank you all so much for your support
Community events
Girls cricket opportunity
I have been contacted by a coach of girls' cricket at Sheen CC who train on Saturday mornings from 9.30-11.00am. They are in need of girls to bolster their squad. They currently play in the Middlesex softball league and have regular fixtures.
The contact is Tony Bradshaw at
Silent Disco at Christ Church
From Rev Haynes at Christ Church opposite the school.
Christ Church is hosting a silent disco 17th June, which I hope will be a good community event, any sharing of this event is very much appreciated, as you think appropriate.
Summer Reading Challenge 2023 in Richmond Libraries
Ready, Set, Read! Summer Reading Challenge 2023, created with the Youth Sports Trust, will run in Richmond Libraries from 8 July to 9 September. Children aged 4 – 11 are challenged to read six library books to earn a medal and certificate. For each library book they read they can collect a sticker. Contact your local library for more information.
Have a good half-term.
If you wish to contact me directly, please see me on the school gates or for email
Tom Holmes - Headteacher

Maria O'Brien - Deputy Headteacher