Dear Parents,
We come to the end of a short but very busy half-term. You can see from the range of events just this week how much has been happening at school. When we return we have the Year 6 residential to the PGL centre in Marchants Hill in the first week and then the following week Year 5 go on their residential trip in the Isle of Wight.
A reminder tomorrow (Friday 27th May) is an INSET day. We look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 6th June. Have a great half-term.
Platinum Jubilee celebrations
Thank you to everyone for getting in the spirit with a whole variety of costumes worn today. The children enjoyed a range of activities in the classroom as well as spending time together as a year group/phase.
School events this week
- The Year 5s attended young voices at the O2 and had a great time with the rehearsals and the performance. Many thanks for all the staff giving their evening up for this opportunity. A group of children from Year 5 visited Kew Gardens with Mrs Jeffery on the same day and had an excellent trip covering the grounds.
- Class photos took place on Monday
- We welcomed parents in the last week in Year 5 & Year 6 for meetings about the school residential trips
- The choir continued their rehearsals for their upcoming performance by having a joint rehearsal with East Sheen Primary
- Some children from Year 6 visited whole foods under the Farm to Fork programme-they made chutney.
- We had filming through the day from one of our parents Laura Starbuck via a silent auction prize. Leo K from 6H was the compere as the winner of the prize and showed the camera around the school.
- Hedgehogs had their class assembly this morning.
Sophie Coombs (Year 2 teacher) and Rob Stefanini (Reception teacher & EYFS lead) have decided to move on from Sheen Mount at the end of the academic year. Sophie has a very lengthy commute from the other side of London and she is going to take the opportunity to travel and go to a yoga retreat before returning to the classroom. Rob has decided to move into the field of coding and work in something outside of education. We thank them both for their considerable contribution to the school, both were teaching assistants at Sheen Mount before becoming teachers.
We have already recruited externally for their replacements. After a very competitive recruitment process we look forward to three new teachers starting at the school. The third will be covering Mrs Bakarani-Ashton's maternity leave. We will bring you more news of the new staff after half-term.
The school have already recruited internally for a new EYFS lead and a KS1 lead to cover the maternity leave referenced above; again we will share that information next half-term.
Barnes Children's Literature festival
Our reading ambassadors will be visiting this event, but we wanted to share a whole range of information that is occurring at the above event on the 25/26th June. Please see below for further information.
The Sheen Mount Board is on the lookout for a new governor with HR skills and experience. Having undertaken a skills audit recently of the Board's existing knowledge and experience, this is an area which we would like to strengthen. If there are any parent HR directors who may either be interested themselves or willing to tap into their networks to help us find a candidate, please do get in touch at
A reminder, I am more than happy to speak to parents at drop off and pick up, or you can contact me directly at:
PSA Corner
PSA – newsletter contribution 26 May 2022
The PSA committee wishes you all a very happy and relaxing half-term / Jubilee break! Good luck to all pupils swapping their Smarties for coins!
Smarties for Smart Jobs Challenge: Thanks again to Leo, Ethan and Johnny from 6H who have set the whole school a challenge to raise money! For those that have their tubes of Smarties, enjoy replacing the sweets with 20ps by doing Smart Jobs to help their families over half-term e.g. tidying their rooms, plates in the dishwasher, making their beds etc. After half-term, the children return their full tubes and Leo, Ethan and Johnny will count up how much money everyone has raised collectively for our school and share the news with you all.
Your PSA Needs You! - we continue to appeal for new joiners to the PSA Committee ahead of the 2022/23 school year. We have a great team of enthusiastic parents on the PSA and would love to welcome some new faces! Please get in touch if you are interested and have questions about the committee and the roles with which we need help.
Upcoming Events
Plant Pledge, June – following the successful garden and school grounds clean-up in March, we need to replant the main bed in the entrance courtyard. Please keep an eye on Classlist following the half-term break, but we will be looking for plant sponsorship to raise funds to complete the job.
Fun Run, 18 June– back due to popular demand! We will have two fun runs on the morning of 18 June, one on the school grounds for Reception and Years 1 and 2 and one from Sheen Gate, Richmond Park to school for Year 3 and up. Refreshments and prize giving afterwards. A great way to encourage fitness, build community spirit and raise funds for the school! Sign-up on Classlist for more details.
Summer Fair, 2 July – planning is well underway, in particular for the Mid-Summer’s Grotto! Further detail to be communicated shortly via the class reps.
100 Club
To be the next £100 winner, email to sign-up ahead of the June drawing. We have a number of people who have signed up, but have not completed the forms, so we will be in touch again shortly. The more the merrier… you’ve got to be in it, to win it!!!
As always, if you have any general PSA-related questions or want to get involved, please contact us via email ( or through the class reps.
Have a good weekend
Tom Holmes - Headteacher
Maria O'Brien - Deputy Headteacher