Dear Parents,
Having our classes almost back to capacity has been very welcome this week. Year 3 enjoyed their rainforest day on Wednesday and plans are moving ahead for the three residential trips (Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6) later in the school year. It was lovely to watch the boys and girls football teams this afternoon play against St Osmunds and also record two victories. Hopefully we can begin to look forward to more usual routines after half-term. We have almost completed our termly pupil progress meetings - this is where the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) meet with every class teacher, and we discuss each class's progress. They have been very beneficial for myself in understanding the school and the children.
COVID update
We are down to a handful of cases per day in the school. Although, as referenced in the email on Tuesday, we are struggling with staff absence. Many schools are experiencing similar issues and once again I thank the staff for their flexibility. We hope the half-term provides a re-set.
A reminder these are very welcome as methods to get to school and there is ample space in the school for them to be left during the day. Thank you for not using them in the school grounds.
Gate opening time
A reminder of the times for the gate in the morning as per the school information in September. We will open the gate at 8.40am for a 'soft start' with the entrance to the school from 8.45am. Apologies some of these times have been inconsistent in the last two weeks, and we will keep with the above times.
Chinese New Year
Reception particularly enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year this week.
Sports Report
Last Friday a mixed team consisting of Year 5 and Year 6 children played a Tag rugby league fixture away against Barnes Primary. It was a fast and exciting game with tries scored by both sides. The final score was 6-1 to Barnes, but everyone enjoyed the match and we gave our best.
PSA Corner
Classlist – a great early start! Thank you to all of you who have joined Classlist and are engaging with our new platform. We have begun with Reception, Years 1 and 6 and the early response has been very positive. Class reps are being briefed, so for those in other years, keep looking out for further information. The feedback we have had is very encouraging and the early engagement is great. For example, Year 1 Moles have been using Classlist to connect with pupils who have been isolating at home with a drawing competition entitled “What do you love about school?”
Over the coming weeks, we look forward to seeing all of you on Classlist and hope you find it a better and more modern way for the PSA to communicate about events and fundraising as well as for improved communication within your class and year groups.
Anyone keen to join can sign-up via the website ( or download the app and look for Sheen Mount Primary School Parents.
Upcoming events
The PSA calendar is starting to fill in nicely for the next few months, so please put the below events and dates into your diaries. Thanks to all who have already come forward to help, but we still need more volunteers for these events, so please consider putting your hands up too! See the attached to drop us an email letting us know how you would like to get involved, particularly if any of the below events could benefit from your skills and energy!
6 February: PSA shed clean-up
4 March: PSA quiz night (tickets on sale this Monday)
12 March: School grounds clean-up / gardening
16 March: PSA meeting
Shed clean-up 6 Feb: this Sunday, an intrepid team will be embarking on a thorough clean-up and sort-out of the PSA Shed. Please see our Doodle poll to register your ability to help ( Enter your email address therein so we can contact you or alternatively email Calli at
Quiz Night 4 March: one of our favourite events returns in early March with Quiz Night. Tickets go on sale via Arbor this coming Monday 7 Feb at 7pm. First come first serve – 16 tables available (8 people on a table) due to the space in the hall. We are also looking for volunteers to help on the bar during the quiz, so please get in touch.
School ground clean-up / gardening 12 March: as the weather improves and warms in early Spring, let’s get Sheen Mount looking its best! Per the suggestion of a number of parents, we will spend a day cleaning up part of the school grounds and doing some gardening. More details to come shortly, but please save the date.
100 Club – Feb drawing next week! We can accept new entries until Wednesday next week, ahead of Mr Holmes and Mrs O’Brien drawing the next winner on Friday 11 February. You’ve got to be in it, to win it!!! £5 per month per entry. Email to sign-up.
As always, if you have any general PSA-related questions or want to get involved, please contact us via email ( or through the class reps. Have a great weekend!
Hope you have a great weekend.
Tom Holmes - Headteacher
Maria O'Brien - Deputy Headteacher