Signs of Autumn!

Year 1 have had a lovely final two weeks of a very busy first half term!
In English we have been finishing our work on The Snail and the Whale and wrote some sentences describing a setting using our senses.
In science, we tasted 5 different foods and described them using adjectives such as sour, bitter, sweet and spicy! We also went on an Autumn walk around the woodland trail to spot some signs of Autumn. We noticed the changing colours of leaves and also then created our own autumnal picture.
In maths we continued using the part whole model to find addition fact families. This week we have also been learning about number bonds.
In RE, we compared both the Christian creation story with the Hindu creation story. We then thought about what sort of person a creator might be and created our own worlds.
In DT we designed our own moving pictures either using a lever or a slider. This week we have enjoyed making them in carousel.
We all enjoyed singing our harvest songs on Tuesday and hope you have a restful half term!